Virtual Exercise
Online/Virtual EventAnissa, our coach, is a Certified Personal Trainer (ACE) and Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE). She will be leading us to do different kinds of exercise, including Theraband exercise, lower body…
Anissa, our coach, is a Certified Personal Trainer (ACE) and Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE). She will be leading us to do different kinds of exercise, including Theraband exercise, lower body…
Dance class for seniors that is led by an instructor. Folks have the chance to learn line-dancing, hula dancing, and much more. Register: 604-324-6212 ext.115 or
To register: phone (604) 718-8200 ext. 1
To register, contact Frank: Email Phone 604-324-6212 ext.115
Anissa, our coach, is a Certified Personal Trainer (ACE) and Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE). She will be leading us to do different kinds of exercise, including Theraband exercise, lower body…
Dance class for seniors that is led by an instructor. Folks have the chance to learn line-dancing, hula dancing, and much more. Register: 604-324-6212 ext.115 or
To register: phone (604) 718-8200 ext. 1
To register: phone (604) 718-8200 ext. 1
To register, contact Frank: Email Phone 604-324-6212 ext.115
Anissa, our coach, is a Certified Personal Trainer (ACE) and Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE). She will be leading us to do different kinds of exercise, including Theraband exercise, lower body…
Anissa, our coach, is a Certified Personal Trainer (ACE) and Senior Fitness Specialist (ACE). She will be leading us to do different kinds of exercise, including Theraband exercise, lower body…
Federal Election is called for September 20 and SVNH would like to invite SV residents and community partners the opportunity to ask the candidates the ideas they are putting forward…