Killarney Senior Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Visit the Seniors Lounge for some fun and creative games to enjoy. Games provide social opportunities and can be adapted to suit a wide range of physical limitations. Instruction included. No session Nov 11. Seniors Lounge 253 Sep 9-Dec 23 F 11:00AM-1:00PM FREE, please pre-register 604·718·8211.
Killarney Community Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
If you and a partner are interested in shooting some pool, come down and ask for the equipment at the Front Desk. No sessions Oct 10, Nov 11 & Dec 26 Location: Killarney Community Centre Billiards Lounge Sep 9-Dec 30 M F 9:00AM-11:30AM FREE Centre Information: 604·718·8200 To Register: 604·718·8211
Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
7646 Prince Albert Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Move, Groove, and Improve is a program focused on active aging and well-being. Participants will engage in physical activities, such as chair yoga. Instruction is in Punjabi and English. All seniors are welcome. You will need to pre-register for the program by calling South Vancouver Neighbourhood House at 604-324-6212. ext. 158 for Zhen Wang M…
Killarney Community Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Come out and enjoy a fun and social afternoon of cribbage. No registration is required. Instruction included. No session Oct 10 Seniors Lounge 253 Sep 12-Dec 19 M 11:00AM-1:00PM FREE
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Learn and practice English at an intermediate level. The class is delivered in English. Please contact Jane to register - / 604-324-6212 ext.158
Sunset Community Centre
6810 Main St, Vancouver, British Columbia
English Corner is an informal way to improve conversational English. At English Corner, participants learn English, share ideas and discover ways to build community. Intermediate level English and higher level speakers are welcomed! Please register. Mon Sep 12-Dec 12 6:30 PM-8:00 PM FREE/12 sessions
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Seniors program where participants share time together to socialize and work on individual craft projects. Please contact Frank at or 604-324-6212 ext.115 to register.
Room MPR 151/152 at Killarney Seniors Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Join new and old friends while trying your luck at Bingo and WIN like never B-4. Enjoy the game on our large screen that everyone can see. BINGO goes to the first one who hollers!! Seniors MPR 151/152 Sep 6-Dec 20 Tu 1:00PM-3:30PM To Register: 604·718·8211 REGISTRATION is required for this FREE program.
Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
7646 Prince Albert Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Do you have “stuff” you keep because of the memories things hold for you? Come and spend some social time hand stitching a special container for your memories. No special skills needed. We have lots of cloth and hand sewing supplies to share. If you like, bring some small objects to work with - family…
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Learn and practice English at an beginner level. The class is delivered in Cantonese. Please contact Frank to register - / 604-324-6212 ext.115
Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
7646 Prince Albert Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Move, Groove, and Improve is a program focused on active aging and well-being. Participants will engage in physical activities, such as chair yoga. Instruction is in Punjabi and English. All seniors are welcome. You will need to pre-register for the program by calling South Vancouver Neighbourhood House at 604-324-6212. ext. 158 for Zhen Wang M…