Killarney Senior Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
ActivAge is a 3-month group led physical activity program for adults aged 65 and older, who are not regularly active, to introduce participants to the benefits of physical activity and reinforce their commitment to incorporate it into their daily lives. ActivAge is led by BCRPA registered Fitness Leaders with the Older Adult specialty. The unique…
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Seniors program where participants share time together to socialize and work on individual craft projects. Please contact Frank at or 604-324-6212 ext.115 to register.
Room MPR 151/152 at Killarney Seniors Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Join new and old friends while trying your luck at Bingo and WIN like never B-4. Enjoy the game on our large screen that everyone can see. BINGO goes to the first one who hollers!! Seniors MPR 151/152 To Register: 604·718·8211 REGISTRATION is required for this FREE program.
Room MPR 151/152 at Killarney Seniors Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
(Previously known as the Chinese Seniors Group) The goal of our group is to enrich Chinese Seniors lifestyles through social activities, community integration and understanding. Meetings are conducted in Cantonese. Seniors MPR 151/152 Please call 604·718·8211 to register.
Room 203 at Killarney Community Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
This social group explores health and wellness activities while gaining new methods for Community Living. Contact Resham Sandhu @ 604-430-3115 for more info. FREE
Killarney Senior Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Daily challenges of living with diabetes can be difficult. Gain knowledge, skills, and confidence in your ability to manage by taking a free program to learn how to balance activity, nutrition, and medication to better to manage your diabetes symptoms, or your pre-diabetes risk factors. The workshop participants receive the Living a Healthy Life with…
St Thomas Anglican Church
2444 E 41st Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
Line dancing is an easy way to exercise the body and mind. Improve beginner moves, learn more advanced ones and meet new friends in this social and physically active class. Previous line dancing experience is required. Maximum number of participants: 20. Register: 604-324-6212 ext.115 or
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Socialization, light snack, songs, stories, and cultural celebrations. Delivered in Punjabi. Please contact Jane at or 604-324-6212 ext.158 to register.
Killarney Community Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
For those who like to draw or paint, come and join our group and bring your lunch. No oils please. This is a self led program. CC Room 202 Spring May 6-Jun 24 F 9:00AM-1:00PM Summer Jul 8-Aug 26 F 9:00AM-1:00PM To Register: 604·718·8211
Let's dance and stretch with Lucenda on zoom. Time: Every Friday at 10:30am, ongoing Language: Cantonese Contact: / 604-324-6212 ext.158
Killarney Senior Centre
6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Visit the Seniors Lounge for some fun and creative games to enjoy. Games provide social opportunities and can be adapted to suit a wide range of physical limitations. Instruction included. Seniors Lounge Please call 604·718·8211 to register.